Friday, 3 February 2012

Stars of the Week

Our last post for this week is going to be about our superstars.

We don't always have superstars every week but this week three people have really stood out from the crowd.

First of all I would like to introduce to you our Literacy Superstar. This boy always works hard because he wants to do well and improve his writing. Shall I tell you who it is? Maybe I'll leave it until I've told you a little about our Numeracy Superstar. Our Numeracy Superstar of this week is someone who has already received the "Superstar of the Week" trophy. This person is Will Anderson. He has proved to be very quick with his mental maths and during Science was able to change receipes quickly in order to alter the amounts of milk and vinegar so he could make plastic.

Back to our Literacy Superstar. I should put you out of your misery by telling you the winner this week is Ethan Rackham.

Well done to both Will and Ethan. But now, drumroll please......

The SUPERSTAR OF THE WEEK is..............

wait for it

almost there


Ben West.

His ideas throughout the week and constant desire to do well is an example to everyone. I do believe he has now won it twice!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Great Fire of London Houses

We have had another successful Design & Technology session today. The children have previously created prototypes, reviewed them and learnt how to measure, saw and join wood correctly in order to create timber frames for the models.

They are now at the stage of creating their actual models and everything is coming along nicely. Here are a few pictures to demonstrate.

Great Fire of London Houses

An Investigation into Shape Symmetry

At the beginning of this lesson we started by having a quick game of guess the shape. Mr Bird gave us some clues for us to then draw the shape and write its name underneath. We then continued onto our main lesson which followed on from our work with mirrors and symmetry. We were set a challenge to find all the lines of symmetry in different shapes. Some tables had squares, rectangles and triangles while others had other shapes like hexagons, octagons, pentagons and many others.

Quickly, the children drew round the shapes onto paper and got to work cutting them out and then folding them in order to find all the lines of symmetry.

After that we stuck them onto a board to show how many they had.

Right at the end of the lesson we looked at all of the shapes and found a very interesting pattern. Do you know what it was?

Time To Vote For a Name

A little while ago our class had a think about a name for our Quad Blogging group as we thought the name "Quad 47" was a little boring. All the children's imagination flowed and they came up with many different ideas. After reading the comments left on our blog we had another think and agreed that we shouldn't call ourselves "Best Bloggers" as we couldn't be sure we were the best. The girls didn't really want to be called "Cool Bloggers", instead they liked "Beautiful Bloggers" to which the boys instantly replied "NOOOOOOOOOOO!".

Strangely though, everyone in the class liked the name "Ninja Bloggers" but for different reasons. Some just said "Ninjas are cool" where others decided that "Ninjas are like the film Kung Fu Panda" which they enjoyed. One girl, Paige, said that she liked the name because "Ninjas wear black and white" yet the majority just explained that they liked ninjas!

The name Quad Kids also made the children's faces light up and they said "oooooohhhhhhh!" because I think they really liked that one.

In the end we liked the following three names

Quad Kids
Ninja Bloggers
Super World Bloggers

Can we request that the other schools reply and let us know their favourite so we could have a big vote. We've started one on our blog with the three names so we can see which is most popular.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Science Day

Today has been Science Day at Springfield Primary School. We have been making plastic from milk, bouncing balls out of glue and have seen some other fantastic experiments. Once it has all finished we'll write up a little report with some other photos and films.

What has been your favourite science experiment?

A New Idea is Formed

As a direct result of one of the comments on this blog we have decided to create a library of video and audio definitions.

Everyday we are using  new language which we have to learn and know what it means. Our first word that we had to define was "symmetry". We found it quite difficult to put it into a sentence that made sense but we think we have cracked it. Tell us what you think the video will arrive soon.