Thursday, 15 March 2012

Class Assembly Thursday 22nd March

Our class are doing our class assembly on Thursday 22nd March. We've been going through all the work completed over the last few months and selecting all the best bits to show the parents.

It promises to be a fantastic and packed 30 minutes with, we hope, some great surprises .

Feel free to leave a good luck comment here so we can show everyone how many people follow our blog.


  1. Good Luck with your class assembly Class RB. I hope I can come and watch to find out what you have been doing. I have been enjoying your gingerbread man songs! from Mrs Klar

  2. All the best with the assembly, guys. Make sure Mr Bird (?) takes plenty of photos. :)

  3. Good luck with your class assembly Class RB. I'm sure you'll all be fantastic. Mr Davies.

  4. I'm sure your assembly will be a huge success.
    I came across this blog via twitter. I am a teacher in Edinburgh and am blogging with my school at

  5. Good luck with your assembly. I found your blog by Twitter and am looking to start a blog at the school I work at in Telford. What are your thoughts about having a blog?

    1. I've just showed the class these comments and they say that they like blogging because we get to put our work up and receive loads of lovelly comments.

  6. I'm sure you're assembly is going to be great! Wish I could be there, but it's across the pond from where I live (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
    I would love to see photos!
    Good luck :)

  7. Good Luck with the assembly. I've just started looking at blogs as my school have recently started one. Your blog is one of the best I've seen and the work you do at school looks fantastic!

    I'm off to borrow some of your ideas...

    Mr Procter-Legg
    Iffley Mead School

  8. Good luck with your assembly Year 2. Enjoy. And well done with your excellent blog.
    Mr Howie
    Deputy Head
    British International School
    Belgrade, Serbia

  9. Dear class RB - good luck with your assembly. I am sure you will be brilliant!

  10. Hannah Mahapatra15 March 2012 at 13:26

    Good luck with your assembly Y2! My class has their assembly tomorrow all with the theme - reduce, reuse, recycle. It sounded really good today so hopefully it will be fantastic tomorrow for the parents.

    Have fun!
    Mrs Mahapatra

  11. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good luck with your assembly Year 2. Perhaps you could get a video of the 'best bits' of your assembly up?

    Fantastic blog by the way - like others I found it through Twitter. Feel free to visit our blog at and comment there if you like!

    Mr Pittaway
    Moor Hall Primary School (Birmingham, UK)

  13. Good luck to Year 2 and Mr Bird with your class assembly,
    I would love to attend if you are supplying cake ?
    Mr Saward

  14. Good luck with your class assembly! We are really looking forward to watching it.

  15. Rachel Parkhurst20 March 2012 at 06:18

    Really looking forward to seeing your class assembly, good luck everyone in class RB!
    Rachel (Poppy's mum).

  16. Poppy Parkhurst21 March 2012 at 12:20

    I'm looking forward to our assembly, I can't wait to show the adults and I hope it goes well.
    Love Poppy

    1. I can't wait either Poppy and I'm absolutely certain it will be fantastic. You'll be great!

  17. A mahoosive well done to class RB, what a fab assembly! You have been so busy, and produced lots of lovely work. I especially liked your song and look forward to hearing it on the top 40 one day maybe!
