Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Symmetry - Fun with Mirrors

In numeracy we have been having fun with mirrors. We have discussed and learnt all about lines of symmetry and how we can put a mirror on them to reflect the pattern.

Here are two clever boys, Matthew Medori and Alfie Forster, working super hard on their symmetry work together. In fact, many of the class found the work ultra easy after they learnt the trick of checking with a mirror. 

Here is Ahana's work.

We loved doing symmetry!

Some audio files of our ideas

Ethan"s idea for a name for our Quadblog (mp3)

Mason"s ideas for a Quadblog name (mp3)

A New Name

At the moment our blogging group is called "Quadblog 47" which we think is a very boring name. We believe we should be called something more imaginative to make it more interesting for the reader of our blogs. We had a big talk about it in class and came up with many ideas such as "Primary Bloggers", "Worlds Best Bloggers", "World Bloggers", "Super Blogger", "Primary School Bloggers", "KS1 Primary World Bloggers" and many more.

This is what Mason has to say

I think we shouldn't be called Quadblog 47, I think we should be called something far more interesting. I think we should be called a much better name. I have got a brilliant name. I think it should be called KS1 Primary World Bloggers.

What do other people think?

Sunday, 29 January 2012

An Afternoon of sawing and gluing

Our topic this half term is "Back in Time" so we have been looking at many different items over the last few weeks. The one aspect that has really caught the children's imagination and interest though has been The Great Fire of London. They loved it so much Mrs Esser and myself had to amend the plans so we could do more of it.

In Design and Technology we decided we wanted to build model houses from 1666, the time of the great fire, and have doors and windows that would open. After completing the planning and prototype stages we are now building the actual model houses. Some of these models will have a wooden structure so we have been linking in our Numeracy to measure the wood accurately in order to cut and glue the pieces the best we can.

Photos will follow shortly.