Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A New Name

At the moment our blogging group is called "Quadblog 47" which we think is a very boring name. We believe we should be called something more imaginative to make it more interesting for the reader of our blogs. We had a big talk about it in class and came up with many ideas such as "Primary Bloggers", "Worlds Best Bloggers", "World Bloggers", "Super Blogger", "Primary School Bloggers", "KS1 Primary World Bloggers" and many more.

This is what Mason has to say

I think we shouldn't be called Quadblog 47, I think we should be called something far more interesting. I think we should be called a much better name. I have got a brilliant name. I think it should be called KS1 Primary World Bloggers.

What do other people think?


  1. YIS Kindergarten class (KC)31 January 2012 at 21:33

    We agree that Quad 47 is a boring name. We like your idea of thinking of a new name. But we are not a primary school, we are an elementary school, and we don't have Key Stages. Maybe we can have a name that will be good for everyone? But we don't have any good ideas just yet. We will talk more about it tomorrow and we will tell you. We like your audioboos. We got a good idea from you. We think we will tell you our ideas by audioboo.

  2. YIS Kindergarten class (KC)1 February 2012 at 16:28

    We liked World Bloggers and Super Bloggers. We thought maybe we are not the best so we didn't think we should have best in the title. But we think we are good, so we could have good in the title. And some people thought we could have cool in the title, but other people thought that cool is a boy's word and girls might not like to be called cool. We thought of Quad Kids and Ninja Bloggers. We thought that maybe you wouldn't like Ninja bloggers because you are not in Japan and Ninjas are specially in Japan. Thank you for having the good idea of thinking of a better name.

  3. We agreed that we shouldn't call ourselves "Best Bloggers" and the girls didn't really want to be called "cool". Instead they liked "Beautiful Bloggers" to which the boys replied "NOOOOOOOOOOO!".

    Strangely though, everyone in the class liked the name "Ninja Bloggers" but for different reasons. Some just said "Ninjas are cool" where others decided that "Ninjas are like the film Kung Fu Panda" which they enjoyed. One girl, Paige, said that she liked the name because "Ninjas wear black and white" yet the majority just explained that they liked ninjas!

    The name Quad Kids also made the children's faces light up and they said "oooooohhhhhhh!" because I think they really liked that one.

    I feel a vote coming along.

  4. Personally, I would vote for quad kids. I like that name very much! :)
