Sunday, 29 January 2012

An Afternoon of sawing and gluing

Our topic this half term is "Back in Time" so we have been looking at many different items over the last few weeks. The one aspect that has really caught the children's imagination and interest though has been The Great Fire of London. They loved it so much Mrs Esser and myself had to amend the plans so we could do more of it.

In Design and Technology we decided we wanted to build model houses from 1666, the time of the great fire, and have doors and windows that would open. After completing the planning and prototype stages we are now building the actual model houses. Some of these models will have a wooden structure so we have been linking in our Numeracy to measure the wood accurately in order to cut and glue the pieces the best we can.

Photos will follow shortly.


  1. We want to see your photographs because we think we will like them. We have wooden blocks to build. Maybe we can get ideas from your houses.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That works sounds fabulous, we can't wait to see pictures of your wooden houses.
    From all the children in Class 1 Cookridge Primary School

  4. Hi to all you children in Mr Bird's class. You may have seen a message from the children in Class 1 today. I was talking to the children all about our new venture together and the children worked out together what comment they wanted to post! The children in Class One are really looking forward to seeing your work over the next week! Miss Golia Cookridge Primary School

  5. Hello Mr Bird and all of the children in year 2. My name is Mrs Sumner and I'm a year 2 teacher at St. Peter's Primary School in Leigh. Leigh is near Manchester.
    We are really excited about our new venture with QuadBlogging and can't wait to see your work all about The Great Fire of London. We are learning about that too! Maybe we could help each other...
    WE will be checking your blog every day this week to what exciting things you have been up to.
    Happy Learning
    From Mrs Sumner and her lovely class of children

  6. How fantastic that you were making houses. I would love to see pictures of them. Did you design them first? How did you decide what materials to use?
    Mrs Cathie Leigh, St Peter's Primary School

  7. We will be carrying out some more work on our houses this afternoon so we'll make sure we get some photos taken and put up on here.

    Thank you so much for all your comments.

    Class RB
